Since the time of cavemen, humans have associated with animals to explore fantasy and signify stature. The intent of hybridizing human-kind in mythological chimeras has existed throughout history. Bengolea’s performance piece, Mosquito Net, is not a quest for the universal beauty of nature, but rather a display of social street dance to invoke the spirit of animals and nature. This piece is a consideration of how humans and animals (real and imaginary) observe each other. Bengolea includes actual dance poses from her established performances, where she and dancers from Jamaica express animals to which they feel connected. Hybridization has been less successful in scientific study than in the wild. This suggests an evolutionary response to pressure imposed by humans. This natural hybridization is likely creation of new species. This piece also includes a freestanding sculptural work that synthesizes the animistic aspects of dance with her interest in the Salton Sea. Combining aspects of her dance with hybridized animals she has created a bestiary of the ancient and modern, the sacred and the profane collaged into a landscape of both hope and despair. Bengolea’s collage continues this tradition, engaging the audience in the interactive dance of the imagination. Bengolea takes inspiration from the philosopher Baruch Spinoza, who proffers to move beyond the state of servitude to make a difference and to emancipate the joy of composing ourselves with others and expand our capacities to actualize our passions.