Cara Romero’s new photo-graphic series, Jackrabbit, Cottontail & Spirits of the Desert, responds to the ancestral lands of the Cahuilla, Chemehuevi, Serrano, and Mojave people. These images feature four special time-traveling visitors from Chemehuevi who have come to the ancestral lands of their sister tribes in the Coachella Valley. In Romero’s vision, these small but mighty figures have returned to remind us of our deep connections to the land, the stories contained within it, and how we can live in relation to it. In terms of geo- logical and ancient social history, Palm Springs is a new city located in the ancestral lands of the Cahuillas with a rich history that predates colonization. The images in Jackrabbit, Cottontail & Spirits of the Desert are manifestations of an oral tradition, bringing visibility to the individuals, cultures, and history that continue to inform this land-scape, whether or not they have been privileged in the long arc of our collective story.